Thursday, July 30, 2009

To Do List

I stare down my list of un-finished, un-published blog posts with the same dismay I have for the pile of books that I need to read (I'd have to locate my glasses first and that's just too much work). I cringe at the sight of the drool and black fur all over the hardwood and tile just long enough to catch a glimpse of three long dogs gleefully zipping around each other barking and carrying on (did we really need three dogs again? Certainly not...totally my bad for even suggesting it). I look longingly at my sewing room with oodles and oodles of projects scattered about (by the time the kids get their "army-", "pirate-" and "princess-" themed quilts, they can give them to their own children).

In disgust, I stare at my piles of dishes (I know that opening the dishwasher right next to the sink is too much so how about throwing me a bone here and running just a smidge of water before it fossilizes?), piles of laundry (the clothes are coming out smelling worse than they did going into the washer so I dare say it's time for a replacement). And while I'm staring down a pile of work that never gets done in a standard 50 hour work week, I try to come up with the justification for being a stay-at-home mom to three dogs. I look forward to that day that Sallie Mae, Bank of America Home Loans and other various creditors no longer have a healthy interest in me maintaining a somewhat lucrative career. While I haven't found a calendar that goes out far enough in which to mark that date yet, I remain hopeful.

While taking stock of all of my unfinished business I have decided to will myself to finish something. Anything. Laundry and dishes didn't make the cut for obvious reasons. I don't think I remember how to quilt anymore. So here I am. I'm back and I'm going to make myself have "nothing better to do" more often.


edn said...

Yeah!!!! She's back, and oh how I've missed her!

Barb McGrew said...

Woo-hoo!!! She's baaa-aaaack! You have been dearly missed. Glad to have you back.

Unknown said... guys are so nice!